Who the Son sets Free is Free Indeed John 8:36
Get to know us
Phase I: H.O.P.E. Program
H.O.P.E. Ministries of the Upstate, located in Spartanburg, SC provides a six month comprehensive program to displaced individuals in the Upstate of South Carolina. The program objective is to provide leadership, mentorship, tools and resources to enable individuals to achieve the ultimate goal – a relationship with Jesus Christ. The program is centered on developing a relationship with Jesus Christ and recovering from life’s hurts habits and hang-ups. Our program focuses on discipleship development; Christ centered twelve steps of recovery and personal development.
The program length is six months and consists of three phases.
Root of the problem
Building character
Small group participation
The six month program includes small group study and participation, individual study and book work, individual guidance by program leaders and accountability support. These individuals experience personal healing and growth through program coursework which includes “Experiencing God, Knowing and Doing the Will of God” by Henry T. Blackaby and Claude V. King and a 12-step Celebrate Recovery program and their Christian principles by Rick Warren and John Baker. The completion of this rigorous and life-changing program allows these men to become productive citizens of our society and responsible Christ-centered men of integrity. Most men who enter this program will need to work on multiple character issues, a distorted thinking process, guilt, shame, and a wide variety of addictions, hurts, habits, and hang-ups.
Phase II: H.O.P.E. Program
Hope Ministries is designed in two phases. Our second phase is our discipleship house. The guys are in more of a family oriented environment where there are two people per room and six people within the house setting. Everyone has house duties and is employed through different companies.
This program is designed to teach the men life skills, money management and saving. Our goal is to get each man, within six months to a year, to have at least $2000 saved up in their bank account, so they will not be starting out in the red, but in the green. The ministry keeps a close watch on the saving and spending of the men. We also encourage each man to pay tithes, which is a biblical teaching principle, along with Bible studies and weekly church attendance.

H.O.P.E Ministries of the Upstate
414 Brawley St Spartanburg SC 29303